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Monday 2 July 2012


Whats freedom? People say many things , you know , like umm .... say ... for example , a guy said - roaming with my girlfriend in front of my parents is freedom. Some say , independence is freedom. Some say , doing whatever i like is freedom. And there are many others who tell , breaking the rules is freedom.

Well lets see it in a broader aspect , umm ... like freedom of India. What was freedom for Mahatma Gandhi? What was freedom for Jawahar Lal Nehru ? What was freedom for the kinds of Bhagat Singh , Azaad , Subhash Chandra Bose? It was freeing India from the British. What was freedom for Nelson Mandela? Removing the ******@$%^&^ shit called APARTHEID. What was freedom for Martin Luther ? Giving blacks the equal rights as the whites. What was freedom for John Lennon , Jimmi Hendrix , Michael Jackson and many more? Singing to the world , playing their guitar in a really fine bass and showing the world what dance is etc etc.

Now lets be a bit selfish. What freedom to you ?? What freedom to me?? For me freedom is being what i really am. Probably i have lost myself , but still with my freedom , i can rediscover the real me. For me freedom is being happy , which if taken away , is the worlds most biggest sin , who ever it maybe .... has no right to steal my freedom , neither my friends , nor my family , nor my elders ... not even god.

So freedom is some what complicated in certain sense. A sensitive topic. So tell me guys ..... whats freedom to you. It'll be my pleasure to see what you guys think what YOUR freedom is.!!

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